Texas State Florists' Association Level 1  Floral Certifications have been included on the 2022-2024 Texas Education Agency (TEA) approved list of Industry Based Certifications.

TSFA Level 1 Floral Certification Teacher Proctored Testing for 2023-2024

The Texas State Florists’ Assn. has developed a platform that will offer students to Level 1 and Level 2 certification test in the classroom, proctored by the Floral Design Teacher.  This platform is similar to the current testing application, however, the Floral Design Teacher will be able to schedule the testing date, proctor the test in the classroom, upload the photos using any smartphone or device.  The student’s designs will be graded by the TSFA Education Specialists using the 2024 Rubrics located on this webpage below. The Level 1  Floral Certification Virtual Testing Platform launched in December 2020.  Where allowed, during this current social distancing situation, TSFA will also continue to schedule in-person certification testing. Level 2 Floral Certification will only be offered in person at this time.  Please always check back for future updates.

Virtual Testing will not be offered the following dates:

You may still test on these dates, but it may up to 3 weeks to receive your students grades.

Locate the registration form link below, click on the link, fill out the form, then save to your computer.  Email the saved registration form to caroles@tsfa.org. It is important that a specific time and a specific date is selected.  It is wise to plan 3 weeks in advance for testing your students to give your local wholesaler time to procure product for the testing.  This also provides adequate time for  TSFA to create a test event that is specific to you and your school.  If changes to students need to be made, please make them one week prior to the test event.


Virtual Testing Spreadsheet (Please include in email with registration form and PO if available)

Download the spreadsheet below, fill it out listing all students that will be testing; Student First Name, Student Last Name, Student Email, School Name, Teacher First Name, Teacher Last Name, Teacher Email, Teacher Phone. 

Please don't hesitate to contact TSFA with questions: (512) 528-0806  I  TSFA Office

TSFA Testing Policies


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