Beyond the Bio: Beth O’Reilly
Meet the Speaker — Beth O’Reilly AIFD CFD TMF
A former Texas Cup and Mayesh Design Star winner, Beth O’Reilly was also a competitor on the HBO MAX show Full Bloom Season 1. She is the featured speaker at the Texas Floral Spotlight at Platinum Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter Bill Doran Company in San Antonio on April 3. Attend this TSFA event to enjoy an awe-inspiring presentation on Fiestas With Flair! There is no charge for TSFA members to attend, but registration is required.
Read MoreBeyond the Bio: Joyce Mason-Monheim
Meet the Speaker — Joyce Mason-Monheim AAF AIFD CFD PFCI AZMF
As an award-winning floral artist, floral industry educator and influencer, Joyce has never faltered in her love of flowers and the enjoyment of teaching. Spanning her floral career of several decades, she has spent the greater part of her career experiencing floral retail shop operation, floral design theory, traveling the globe creating with flowers and becoming one of the floral industry’s sought-after educators and presenters. TSFA is thrilled to have her share her vast knowledge on the subject of elements and principles of floral design in Lubbock this spring!
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